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Adam Shulman

Medical Physicist

Doha, Qatar


Introduction to IMRT and

IMRT treatment planning

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Claire Dempsey, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

University of Washington

Infrastructure, Hardware and

software requirements

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Peter Sandwall, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Ohio Health

Basics of IMRT Safety and Implementation

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Jose Teruel , Ph.D

Medical Physicist

New York University

Acceptance Testing and Commissioning

Overview for IMRT

(MLC-based delivery systems)

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Jose Garcia , Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Washington University in St. Louis

Hidden Red Flags in

IMRT Treatment Planning

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Derek Brown , Ph.D

Medical Physicist

University of California San Diego

Commissioning Critical #1:

Chamber choices and consequences

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Paulina Galavis , Ph.D

Medical Physicist

New York University

Commissioning Critical #2:

How to input the beam model

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Paulina Galavis , Ph.D

Medical Physicist

New York University

Commissioning Critical #3:

Dosimetric leaf gap

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Stephen Gardner , MS

Medical Physicist

Henry Ford Health Systems

Commissioning Critical #4:

How to Recommission a System

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Derek Brown , Ph.D

Medical Physicist

University of California San Diego

Decisions: Pros and cons of IMRT

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Anuja Jhingran, MD

Radiation Oncologist

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Contouring Concepts and Pearls 1

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Anuja Jhingran, MD

Radiation Oncologist

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Contouring Practice with Feedback:

GYN Malignancies (beginning to 47:48)

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Anuja Jhingran, MD

Radiation Oncologist

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Contouring Concepts and Pearls:

Pediatrics (begins at 47:49)

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Jen Vogel, MD

Radiation Oncologist

John Hopkins University

Contouring Concepts and Pearls:

Prostate Cancer (begins at 1:48:00)

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Mac Longo, MD

Radiation Oncologist

Medical College of Wisconson

Contouring Practice with Feedback:

Prostate Cancer

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Lindsay Puckett, MD

Radiation Oncologist

Medical College of Wisconson

Review of H&N curriculum, Feedback session

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Samir Patel,  MD

Radiation Oncologist

Mayo Clinic


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Bob Price, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Roundtable: Feedback on QA processes

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Bob Price, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Patient specific QA

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Sonja Dieterich, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

University of California, Davis

Simulation and Motion management

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Sonja Dieterich, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

University of California, Davis

High yield clinical applications of IMRT Part 1

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Shefali Gajjar, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Thomas Jefferson University

High yield clinical applications of IMRT Part 2

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Shefali Gajjar, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Thomas Jefferson University

Contouring for the medical physicist

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Cesar Della Biancia, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

How to develop the PERFECT VMAT plan for Pelvic cases

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Cesar Della Biancia, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

IMRT Treatment Planning: The "Shulman" VMAT Optimization Method

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Cesar Della Biancia, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

IMRT Treatment planning: What is a Good Plan?

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Cesar Della Biancia, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

How to develop the PERFECT VMAT plan for H&N cases

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Cesar Della Biancia, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Review of the remaining plan submissions (anonymously)

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Cesar Della Biancia, Ph.D

Medical Physicist

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Acuros and Monte Carlo algorithms for VMAT | Course Conclusion


Adam Shulman Ph.D

Medical Physicist

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